Top 10k strings from Demo C's (1993)(Datasoft).tap
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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12 DDDDDDDDDR 11 HHHH8888HHHHHHHHH 11 DDDDDDDDDP 7 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 3 DDDDDDDDDDD 2 f7e0d707f0a7c0b7f0h 2 f$$e$d$f$e$f$e$f$ 2 HHHHHHHHHH8888HH 1 remix for TAP by Datasoft 3 June '98. [email protected] unti end June '98 1 h<<00>=<<$H<RO<<<0d$$f$ 1 f7e0d707f0a7c0b7f0d7f07e0 1 f$$e$d$f$e$f$d$e$ 1 eq$d$$$f$$e$$ 1 commands with d* and change line20 end: 1 c's.3 2 1 c's.2 1 c's.1 1 To load from tape, delete all "d*" and change so:GOTO VAL "30" 1 To load from +D, replace the spaces after 1 SONG BY ST COMPILE 1 N#~2Dsy*tp 1 HI THERE. BET YOU DIDN'T EXPECT THIS! This demo (called, spookily enough, "demo c's") was written and generally coded by me, DATAsoft (alias John G.) and look for the address on one of the background screens. Which brings me on to controls: PRESS SPACE (once loaded!) TO SWOP BETWEEN SCREENS IN THE LOWER THIRD OF THE SCREEN. Good, now go and find something to do while the rest of this 40K or more of demo, graphics, and music loads. Yes, I know the musics crap even though produced on Soundtracker. Thanks anyway t BZYK and Y.S. for putting it on the covertape... BYYYYEEEEEEE Yes it should load soon. 1 HHHHHHHHHH8888HHHHHHHHH 1 HHHHHHHHH8888HH 1 HHHH888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 FDG;<DDDDDDDDDDD 1 Demo C's 1 DLLDddnLO\ 1 DLDDDDDDdDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1 DDDDDDDDD_ 1 ;"DEMO C's by DATAsoft"; 1 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH8888HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH8888HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 1 1984SNG&JAS| 1 1984SNG&JAS 1 07h755500. 1 *y\#"y\2x\ 1 *****D E M O C's***** 1 )&$0<0<:<<< 1 ((((((((((((( 1 $$$""""$++ 1 HI THERE. Bet you didn't expect this. Well, what else do you do while watching a demo load (it'll take about 3 minutes...)? When it has, you can use the <SPACE BAR> to swop between background screens. This text also loops round, so it might get boring. But hey, you only live twice. (you sure???) This was written by ME (DATAsoft), with the help of the scroll-a-load by Nigel Grange you're reading and lots and lots of 'DATA' statements - lovely. Back to something you understand. So when's this piece of ?/`* gonna load eh? Don't ask me - I only wrote the thing. Getting a tad silly there weren't we. Also, don't you think my lack of spelling mistakes is good? Nobody else wants to talk about Speccy matters anymore - write to me if you can: (a) be bothered or (b) tell me how to do loadsa colours in a small space. Back to normal now (or as near as possible!). So you preferred this demo to all the other good ones you could have had did you? You must be MAD. I am the worst coder I ha 1 Here we go again with the zany DATAsoft logo whizzing about up above and a fair few Kilobytes yet to fill up with text in this double-height scrolly I've programmed, music and the like. CONTROLS: What exists that you can call a control, anyway. PRESS SPACE TO SWOP BETWEEN BACKGROUND SCREENS. Don't you think that logo's getting a bit boring, and besides, it's way too small. That's a lot better and now the musics perked up, get on down. Topics for this week (who am I beginning to sound like?) are erm erm well who cares anyway when there's someone as cool as me about (just listen to that modesty). Before you completely forget about reality, may I just point out that this is my first ever proper piece of programming, 100% pure machine code and I hope you like it enough to laugh. Greetings now. Hi to PENTAGRAM (in particular Agent-X for being such a good programmer), ESI for the same and thanks for Shock! Megademo, and to anybody